
Брам Моленар И Другие
Development Developer Tools Code Editor Text editor Syntax Highlighting

VIM – профессиональный мультиплатформенный текстовый редактор, созданный специально для программистов. Данный редактор может смутить своим внешним видом и разнообразием функций человека, впервые запустившего его, но на самом деле, пройдя небольшое обучение, становится ясно, что данная программа – один из самых мощнейших, и крайне полезных текстовых редакторов. Основная отличительная особенность VIM’а – два режима его работы: обычный (стандартный блокнот для программиста, с подсветкой синтаксиса и обычным интерфейсом) и командный – блокнот приобретает вид консоли, в которой каждое нажатие клавиши является командой для работы с текстом. Это очень удобно для работы с блоками текста, особенно, если работать с большими документами. Окно можно разделить на несколько частей, а разнообразие инструментов практически неограниченно. Настраиваемые «горячие клавиши» добавляют простоты и удобства в использовании. Программа работает на всех системах семейства Windows и *nix – системах. Перед установкой настоятельно рекомендуется просмотреть обучающие материалы.

Открытое ПO Haiku Linux Windows macOS

Notepad++ 114 альтернатив

  • Multi Language
  • Development
  • Developer Tools
  • Code Editor
  • Tabbed Interface

Notepad++ — свободный текстовый редактор с открытым исходным кодом для Windows с подсветкой синтаксиса большого количества языков программирования и разметки. Он базируется на компоненте Scintilla, написан на C++ с использованием …

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gedit 82 альтернативы

  • Text editor
  • Gnome

Official text editor of the GNOME desktop environment. Has syntax highlighting and is suitable for programming, with support for several languages. It is extensible with plugins. Currently it features: ...

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TextMate 69 альтернатив

  • Extensible
  • Plugins
  • Code Editor
  • Text editor
  • Syntax Highlight

TextMate brings Apples approach to operating systems into the world of text editors. By bridging UNIX underpinnings and GUI, TextMate cherry-picks the best of both worlds to the benefit of …

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GNU Emacs 56 альтернатив

  • Code Editor
  • Text editor
  • Syntax Highlighting
  • Html Editor
  • Html

GNU Emacs is an extensible, customizable text editor—and more. At its core is an interpreter for Emacs Lisp, a dialect of the Lisp programming language with extensions to support text …

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SciTE 66 альтернатив

  • Design
  • Css
  • FTP
  • Text editor
  • Html

SciTE is a SCIntilla based Text Editor. Originally built to demonstrate Scintilla, it has grown to be a generally useful editor with facilities for building and running programs. It is …

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Kate 51 альтернатива

  • Text editor
  • Syntax Highlight
  • Programmers Editor

Text editor for the KDE desktop environment with support for multiple languages and syntax highlighting. It is extensible with plugins. Features a MDI interface. Kate is a multi document editor, …

Открытое ПO

jEdit 65 альтернатив

  • Java
  • Code Editor
  • Programming
  • Text editor
  • Notepad

jEdit is a mature programmer's text editor with hundreds (counting the time developing plugins) of person-years of development behind it. While jEdit beats many expensive development tools for features and...

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GNU nano 49 альтернатив

  • Text editor
  • Syntax Coloring

GNU nano is a small and friendly text editor. Besides basic text editing, nano offers many extra features like an interactive search and replace, go to line and column number, …

Открытое ПO

Programmer`s Notepad 67 альтернатив

  • Multi Language
  • Code Editor
  • Programming
  • Tabbed Interface
  • Text editor

Notepad more focused on developing than just scribble down notes. These is not an exhaustive feature list, but gives you some idea of the features present in Programmer’s Notepad.

Открытое ПO

AkelPad 49 альтернатив

  • Languages Min 20
  • Text editor
  • Notepad
  • Liberkey

A simple notepad-like text editor with many features. It is designed to be a small and fast. User interface in 20 languages. Features * Single window (SDI), multi-window (MDI) and …

Открытое ПO

Fraise 11 альтернатив

  • Multi Language
  • Code Editor
  • Text editor
  • Syntax Highlighting
  • Programmers Editor

Fraise is an open source text-editor for OS X, forked from It has a very native Cocoa UI and supports syntax highlighting for many different programming, scripting and coding …

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Leafpad 25 альтернатив

  • Lightweight
  • Drag And Drop
  • Gtk
  • Text editor

Leafpad is a lightweight text editor that emphasizes simplicity. As development focuses on keeping weight down to a minimum, only the most essential features are implemented in the editor. Features: …

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Kod 22 альтернативы

  • Text editor
  • Html Editor
  • Css Editor

Kod is a programmers' editor for OS X Source available at Goals and features Fully concurrent — loading files, syntax highlighting, etc is distributed across available...

Открытое ПO

Scribes 28 альтернатив

  • Python
  • Gtk
  • Text editor
  • Gnome
  • Word Processing

A text editor for GNOME that combines simplicity with power. Scribes focuses on streamlining your workflow. It does so by ensuring common and repetitive operations are intelligently automated. And also …

Открытое ПO

ReText 52 альтернативы

  • Text editor
  • Markdown

ReText is a simple text editor for Markdown syntax. It is written in Python using Qt libraries, able to run on any platforms (Linux and BSD are officially supported).

Открытое ПO

SynWrite 67 альтернатив

  • IDE
  • Css
  • Code Editor
  • Text editor
  • Syntax Highlighting

SynWrite is a free source code editor and notepad replacement for Microsoft Windows Operating Systems. SynWrite features: syntax highlighting for lots of languages; fully customizable highlighting; code...

Открытое ПO
Total Commander

JOE 2 альтернативы

  • Command Line
  • Text editor
  • Terminal

JOE is a full featured terminal-based screen editor which is distributed under the GNU General Public License (GPL). JOE has been around since 1988 and comes standard with many Linux …

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Textadept 25 альтернатив

  • Text editor
  • Syntax Highlighting
  • Programmers Editor
  • Cli

Textadept is a fast, minimalist, and ridiculously extensible cross-platform text editor for programmers. Written in a combination of C and Lua and relentlessly optimized for speed and minimalism over the...

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MadEdit 30 альтернатив

  • Text editor
  • Hex Editor
  • Hex
  • Syntax Highlighting

MadEdit is an Open-Source and Cross-Platform Text/Hex Editor written in C++ and wxWidgets. MadEdit can edit files in Text/Column/Hex modes, and supports many useful functions, e.g. SyntaxHighlightings,...

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NEdit 10 альтернатив

  • Perl
  • Code Editor
  • Text editor
  • Notepad
  • Html Editor

NEdit is a multi-purpose text editor for the X Window System, which combines a standard, easy to use, graphical user interface with the thorough functionality and stability required by users …

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Redcar 17 альтернатив

  • Extensible
  • IDE
  • Ruby
  • Text editor

Redcar is a text editor for programmers written in Ruby. At the moment, it’s a young enough project that it is mainly of interest to Rubyists who want to use …

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Mousepad 16 альтернатив

  • Lightweight
  • Drag And Drop
  • Code Editor
  • Gtk
  • Tabbed Interface

A simple text editor for the Xfce desktop environment. Mousepad aims to be an easy-to-use and fast editor for quickly editing text files, not a development environment or an editor …

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Yi 14 альтернатив

  • Code Editor
  • Text editor
  • Emacs
  • Haskell

Yi is a text editor written, and extensible in, the Haskell programming language. It can be made to behave like emacs or like vi. Features: * A purely functional editor …

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Pe (Programmer’s Editor) 30 альтернатив

  • Text editor
  • Syntax Highlighting
  • Html Editor
  • Search And Replace
  • Ftp Support

Pe, short for Programmer’s Editor, is an open source text editor for BeOS. It is targeted towards source-code editing, and features syntax highlighting for a large number of programming languages. …

Открытое ПO

TEA 21 альтернатива

  • IDE
  • Tabbed Interface
  • Text editor
  • Syntax Highlighting
  • Code Snippets

TEA is a fast, pure C++ text editor for UNIX, Mac, OS/2 and Windows. TEA provides you hundreds of functions: Small size Built-in MC-like file manager Spellchecker (using the aspell …

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Что в этом списке?

Этот список содержит 78 альтернатив приложению Vim, для таких платформ как: Linux, Windows, macOS, BSD, Haiku, Android, Android Tablet и многих других. Список альтернатив можно фильтровать по типу лицензии, платформе и тегам. Поддерживается сортировка по количеству пользователей которые уже используют альтернативу, или дате добавления приложения.

Последнее обновление списка: 17 декабря 2020 г. 18:30

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